Our Basic Story

The Gnu Story is about building successful, local, and sustainable, family empowerment programs.

At Gnu we maintain a very simple concept, ‘connect people to the resources needed to prosper — and they will’.  After more than 14 years, we have successfully partnered with and supported 21 local organizations in 8 countries (geography doesn’t matter); we have funded over 1,200 small business; launched co-operative social business enterprises; and funded schooling for young single mothers, orphans, and farm cooperatives for grandmothers -- our success backs our claim that we have “proved our model”. Accomplishing all we do while 100% of an individuals' donated funds go directly to support our local field programs -due to the support of a generous sponsor who covers all our administrative and overhead costs.

There were those who told us directly “it will never work, because you can’t make it big (bring it to ‘scale’)” — which is exactly why it works – “small is beautiful”. Decentralized, small, micro funded capital is changing and empowering people around the world.  In our world,  we view micro-funding as “venture capital for the poor”.

We keep it very simple — locate an existing community-based organization led by an experienced, honest and decisive leader – wrap them with the resources they need to empower their community, and watch high-risk (by traditional measures) individuals grow and step up and out of their crushing poverty or vulnerable environment.

Where we SERVE

We've grown to where we serve and support our Gnu Partner organization in eight countries --- where there is extreme poverty, we go! Currently we have Gnu Foundation initiatives in the following countries:

  • Kenya

  • Guatemala

  • Haiti

  • Cuba

  • Bolivia

  • Mexico

  • Malawi

  • U.S.A.

3 THINGS we do very well

  1. We come along side a local community leader and provide the vision and training to administer and run a sustainable entrepreneurial program.

  2. We provide the financial capital and resources needed to fund the program - we call this a 'resource hug'.

  3. We provide long-term mentorship and advice to these leaders - our local Gnu Partners.

We have been blessed over the years with great success, and wonderful dedicated hard-working partners and supporters.  We would love to share with you how you and your organizations can learn to replicate the Gnu programs. Simply send us an email at the contact noted below – we’re ready to share.

The Gnu Foundation Approach

The Gnu Foundation maintains a simple approach to our programs.  We dedicate our resources to helping the most vulnerable and higher risk individuals (at the left-hand of the illustration) and work to help them help themselves to success using our various grant and support programs.  As individuals become stable and prosper we work with them to transition them to other creative organizations (such as Kiva.com) as our ‘take out’ or financial transition partners.  We don’t attempt to replicate or take credit for any work that can be and is being done by other good organizations and individuals.

Who We Are          Gnu Story          Gnu FAQs         See the Journey          Meet the Board          Contact          Donate